Sunday, July 31, 2005


I promise that I'm working on the entry from last night in between watching Empire Strikes Back and sleeping. I've barely gotten to sleep today -- between "waking up early" and then going to the Lake Vic hotel to meet some Forest Walkers with Richard, it's been more interruption than sleep at this point. 

I'm supposed to meet with the Bead for Life girl today and I guess I could radio the island but I'm not really versed on radio protocol yet and know a few of the things I'm supposed to say, but by no means am I ready for a solo call. 

What I'm realizing, however, now that Julia and Liz have left and Debby isn't back yet and I'm alone in the house is that I'm useless.

Yes, I know where some things are. But I went to make pasta, because I realized around 4 pm that I'd yet to eat anything all day, and I found the matchbox to light the range. 

There was ONE match left inside it, and inside my head I thought with a chuckle "Oh, wouldn't it be funny if this match somehow failed"....

Promptly, upon the first strike, the match snapped in half. I struggled to try to light it anyway by holding it tightly altogether too close to the match head. But it seemed the striking service was somehow wet or crappy or something, so it just failed as the match continued to splinter. 

So, I decided to find another matchbox. Ha! What a joke. I rummaged through every shelf, cupboard and cabinet with no success. Starving, I tried to make toast. We have a toaster oven, so I took some bread from the fridge and put it in the toaster.

Another failure, I couldn't get the toaster to initiate. Try as I might, pushing down the lever didn't lock it or start it.

This is why for lunch/dinner, I had a cold-bread-from-the-fridge and butter sandwich, with a lime Fanta. (Wanta?)

And I'm still annoyed and upset about my dress. ::sighs more::

People all left here in sort of a chaotic hurry today. They left sort of a mess of dishes, and, well, other mess. I agreed to strip the beds, but did they leave the other mess for Betty tomorrow or is it for me to clean? I don't want Debby to come here tonight and think I've wrecked the house... 

Julia didn't have much money left, so I lent her 23,000 Ushs (about $10). Then, I was told by Richard later in the day that the only ATM I could use was at Entebbe Airport. Which is not within walking distance. I'd have to take a boda boda. Which costs money. Which I don't have, because I lent it all to Julia. 

Anyway, even if Liz comes back today from the airport, she can still sleep in her room but I'm gonna have moved my stuff in. I think unpacking will be really cathartic.

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