Monday night: 9:20 pm
Alas Alad?... my internet connection leaves a lot to be desired. Along with GMail's apparent weirdness that prohibits me from getting in. I'm going to give it a day or so, but already I've been informed of exciting emails that I can't read!
I got to try out skype tonight with my mom and
reverend_dave and got to chat online with
grysar and
I'm also unfortunately "torch-less"... meaning that I forgot my flashlight, and, to somehow balance out power usage in Entebbe, the local electricity company just has power shutdowns every 2-3 nights. And I'm "lucky" because the entire other side of Entebbe is without power tonight. Or so Peter informs me when he stopped by to get his computer tonight.
So I didn't feel extra homesick as previously thought by going on AIM. Probably because I still feel sort of numb and limbo-y. I haven't really gotten settled here, nor have I grasped the duration of time that I'll be here and subsequently away from my friends.
The poor internet perturbs me, because as semi-discussed with
drdelirium, my nudity requires some sort of base in the familiar. I.e. I need to retain contact with the friends who I feel the most myself with in order to keep that piece of what I consider "me".
Bah, I'm getting far too esoteric and annoying myself.
It's a little strange, because tonight I'm alone in the house for the first time. It's a little creepy, and I'm suddenly very aware of all the padlocks, gates, guard rails, and other security measures. Not only that, but the room that I'll be inhabiting in a week has a "panic button"... is it such a regular occurrence that we'd get stormed by rebels? Or thieves?
Speaking of which, Debbie and Annie are out right now, in what was originally described to me as "Congo". I automatically assumed PRC (People's Republic of Congo) since it's the country not overrun by guerilla forces and the like, but nooooo ... they meant DRC. Democratic Republic of Congo. Debbie apparently goes a lot, and I've gotta say, if I was going to go to DRC with someone, I'd go with Debbie. At dinner on Sunday night before they left, it was surreal to actually be having real discussions about what to do if you are taken by some sort of guy pointing a gun at your head. How to behave, what not to say.
Does it seem totally wacko that it all seemed sort of exciting? Debbie seems to go with some regularity, and I'm secretly hoping I can come along next time (she seems to invite people from the house). I'm sure my mother would freak out. But again, I'll reiterate, if I was going to go with anyone, I'd want to go with Debbie. Her Africa-savvy inspires a confidence that I'm not sure rebels could shake from me ;)
So, I tried uploading some pictures to petridish today with limited success. As in, ONE of them uploaded. I want people to see what the house looks like, and who some of the players in my little saga are, and see the cuteness of the bad bad puppies we have in the house!
I guess I'll try again tomorrow, but it's not very encouraging. I wanted to be far more connected! I might have to venture into one of the web cafés to see if I can get any better results.
Tomorrow morning I go to the doctor to get a chest x-ray to prove that I don't have TB so that I can go on a forest walk with the chimps. My official go-to-the-island day is Thursday, now. I'll probably get to stay until about Saturday too. (whee!) Until then, more training with Liz.
Provided I can get some sleep tonight! I have to wait for Ben to come home from Entebbe so that I can let him into the gate...
Alas Alad?... my internet connection leaves a lot to be desired. Along with GMail's apparent weirdness that prohibits me from getting in. I'm going to give it a day or so, but already I've been informed of exciting emails that I can't read!
I got to try out skype tonight with my mom and
I'm also unfortunately "torch-less"... meaning that I forgot my flashlight, and, to somehow balance out power usage in Entebbe, the local electricity company just has power shutdowns every 2-3 nights. And I'm "lucky" because the entire other side of Entebbe is without power tonight. Or so Peter informs me when he stopped by to get his computer tonight.
So I didn't feel extra homesick as previously thought by going on AIM. Probably because I still feel sort of numb and limbo-y. I haven't really gotten settled here, nor have I grasped the duration of time that I'll be here and subsequently away from my friends.
The poor internet perturbs me, because as semi-discussed with
Bah, I'm getting far too esoteric and annoying myself.
It's a little strange, because tonight I'm alone in the house for the first time. It's a little creepy, and I'm suddenly very aware of all the padlocks, gates, guard rails, and other security measures. Not only that, but the room that I'll be inhabiting in a week has a "panic button"... is it such a regular occurrence that we'd get stormed by rebels? Or thieves?
Speaking of which, Debbie and Annie are out right now, in what was originally described to me as "Congo". I automatically assumed PRC (People's Republic of Congo) since it's the country not overrun by guerilla forces and the like, but nooooo ... they meant DRC. Democratic Republic of Congo. Debbie apparently goes a lot, and I've gotta say, if I was going to go to DRC with someone, I'd go with Debbie. At dinner on Sunday night before they left, it was surreal to actually be having real discussions about what to do if you are taken by some sort of guy pointing a gun at your head. How to behave, what not to say.
Does it seem totally wacko that it all seemed sort of exciting? Debbie seems to go with some regularity, and I'm secretly hoping I can come along next time (she seems to invite people from the house). I'm sure my mother would freak out. But again, I'll reiterate, if I was going to go with anyone, I'd want to go with Debbie. Her Africa-savvy inspires a confidence that I'm not sure rebels could shake from me ;)
So, I tried uploading some pictures to petridish today with limited success. As in, ONE of them uploaded. I want people to see what the house looks like, and who some of the players in my little saga are, and see the cuteness of the bad bad puppies we have in the house!
I guess I'll try again tomorrow, but it's not very encouraging. I wanted to be far more connected! I might have to venture into one of the web cafés to see if I can get any better results.
Tomorrow morning I go to the doctor to get a chest x-ray to prove that I don't have TB so that I can go on a forest walk with the chimps. My official go-to-the-island day is Thursday, now. I'll probably get to stay until about Saturday too. (whee!) Until then, more training with Liz.
Provided I can get some sleep tonight! I have to wait for Ben to come home from Entebbe so that I can let him into the gate...
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