Thursday, July 28, 2005

For the first time since I got here, I feel lonely.

I feel like I'm phasing out of people's consciousness. Maybe it's because I haven't had dinner. But it's only 10 pm. 

It's a shitty, lonely, feeling. It's probably also because I'm home alone again. I have no urge to go to Kampala, but like, being here by myself isn't all peaches. I was trying to talk to this person online, I lost my connection, and they logged off in the interim.

My internet connection sucks. I wrote so many letters on the island.

I think there's also this romantic ideal to have a letter writing affair. Which I'm just not getting fulfilled. Or not even that... but having someone miss me intensely. Maybe I just have that stigma from Justin never writing me in Kenya. I just need to feel like I matter? 

Also, I am a geek to the highest power.

The toilets were far from the bedroom at the island last night, so in the middle of the night, when I had to pee and had noflashlight, I realized I had my iPod that I'd been listening to music on while I slept. And it has the LCD backlight!

Yes, ladies and gentleman, I used my LCD backlight on my iPod to light the way to the outhouse.

I love you, technology. *kiss*

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